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Cranor Homestead

Feed the People

No Water Access

Wilderness Ranger

Kyrsten Taramarcaz

Time moves slower
on the farm. So does my heartbeat. Breeze on my arms...

Pull the crop out by its sprouts. From deep in the earth success abounds.


Mustang Rescue

Gunnison Sage Grouse dance. He is proud- white breast, tail erect! Snapping air sacs for dramatic effect.

Sally Thode

The Huntress. I walk slowly and carefully for a long time, looking for signs.

RanchHER. It takes all of us to make it run. Our family's commitment is never done.

Range Rider. Freedom is
the lowing of cows and riding fence on my favorite horse.

The water that weaves through every field.
Nourishing grass and each season's yield.

Polly Obersoler

Seasons with the Water

Cloe Parker

Checking on the Cows


Natures Compost


Polly's Foal

Winter Crops

Jess Young
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